Navigating your research journey

 “It’s a dangerous business, student, starting out your research. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, probably.   Pick a topic If a wizard turned up at your door and offered you […]

Presentation technologies: 5 top tips

Want to make your presentation stand out from the crowd? Not sure how to make the best use of technology, text, images or animation? Like it or not, we all have to do presentations at some point, so we’ve put together a video with our 5 top tips for using presentation technology effectively. So sit […]

Is there a Formula for Blues?

The decorations are down and that’s pretty much how you feel after the holidays? Don’t worry, there is still time to change the formula and make January awesome….  By Ana Kedveš A Formula for Blues? December is all about being merry, which isn’t really such a terrible chore, but January headlines call for some serious […]

Focus on…the digital Loeb Classical Library

Unless you’re a Classicist, you may not have noticed that the University now has a subscription to the digital Loeb Classical Library. Still not sure why you should be interested? You’d be surprised how many disciplines this vast online collection could turn out to be useful for… by Helen Ireland     What is it? […]

Thinking of starting a blog?

So you’re thinking of starting a blog. Many questions may be going through your mind: How do I get started? What will I write about? What should I call my blog? Will anyone read it? Do I actually want anyone to read it?! Here are some tips to help get you started… Sometimes starting a […]

Struggling to study: causes and solutions

You’ve got your books, your laptop, pens, paper and highlighters. You’ve got your imminent deadline, and steadily growing worry to hone it. But you just can’t seem to get in the zone and start working. What is the missing piece of this productivity puzzle? … By Laura Primiceri We’ve all been there. Sitting down at […]

Focus on… Science databases

When you first come to use databases in your studies, you can find the sheer amount of available resources rather overwhelming. With dozens of different databases covering various subjects, journals and forms of information, it can be difficult to know where to start. Our quick guide will take you through the ins and outs of […]

How to eat the elephant of your workload

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Everyone knows that saying, and tackling your workload is just the same…By Ondrej Bajgar And yet I keep meeting friends in the library complaining that their stomach is aching or that they still haven’t even nibbled away the trunk of their assignment, because it’s […]

Celebrating Black History @ the MRC

The Modern Records Centre has a wealth of relevant and engaging archive resources. Read more about how we’ve got involved with Black history month… Every October in Britain, we make a special effort to celebrate the contributions that people of African descent have made to British society, contributions so often ignored and excluded from dominant narratives. […]

Behind the scenes of Customer Support

Behind the scenes of Customer Support. Library assistant Claire Callan shares her experience and tips… Libraries. Quite straightforward things surely? Put books in buildings, take them out on loan, return them, try not to get a fine… Well, the world of university libraries (and The University of Warwick Library in particular) is actually quite a […]

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