Top 10 tips to avoid plagiarism

Pre-article mythbusters… It’s ok to pass someone else’s work for your own as long as this doesn’t exceed 10% of your assignment. It makes you sound clever if you pass an academic’s work off as your own.  My tutor wants to know how many authoritative sources I’ve read, not what I think of them… Tracy Dix […]

How to cope with your new group mates

Your tutor, in their infinite wisdom, has given you a group assignment –  now you’re destined to spend the next two weeks locked in a room with a bunch of people you may be totally incompatible with. The path is tough and the battle long, but with some carefully applied wisdom you might just make […]

Is it all on Google? 5 top search tips

Time is ticking by and your essay deadline is looming. Your tutor, Professor Moriarty, has set you a truly obscure essay question and you have no idea where to start. Clearly this is all part of some evil conspiracy to stop you from getting the great grades you deserve. How can you quickly find the […]

Importance Of Soft Skills For Your Organization

Soft skills are important and useful in our personal as well as professional lives. It helps us in developing strong leadership, delegation, teamwork, and communication abilities. It helps you to run the projects more smoothly and delivers satisfying and appreciated results. In fact, improving soft skills in your professional life can even positively influence your […]

How many pages is a paper?

How many pages is a paper? Pages by Word CountWord CountPages (single spaced)Pages (double spaced)250 Words Page1 Page300 Words Page1 Pages400 Words Page1 Pages500 Words1 Page2 Pages16 What is minimum example? Minimum means the lowest amount or allowable amount of something. An example of a minimum is 40 miles per hour as the lowest speed […]

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