What religious denomination was born out of the Reformation quizlet? The three primary art masters of the 16th century were: michelangelo, raphael, leonardo da vinci. What religious denomination was born out of the Reformation? Protestantism was born out of the Reformation. How did the Protestant reformation begin? The Reformation began in 1517 when a German […]
Why was the creation of Adam painted?
Why was the creation of Adam painted? Creation of Adam is a famous religious moment in the teachings of Christianity which remains strong within Italy. The painting captures the scene of God breathing life into Adam who was to become the first man and was later joined together with Eve who helped to start off […]
Who painted this famous ceiling above?
Who painted this famous ceiling above? The Sistine Chapel ceiling (Italian: Volta della Cappella Sistina), painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is a cornerstone work of High Renaissance art. What was baroque architecture? Baroque architecture is a highly decorative and theatrical style which appeared in Italy in the early 17th century and gradually spread […]
Is the mandolin harder than guitar?
Is the mandolin harder than guitar? When comparing the guitar to the mandolin, the guitar is much more difficult to learn than the mandolin because it has more strings. However, the guitar has six strings (E, A, D, G, B, E) that you have to learn; the more strings the instrument has, the more chords […]
What is the difference between rhythm and movement?
What is the difference between rhythm and movement? What is Rhythm and Movement and why is it important? MOVEMENT is the path the viewer’s eye takes through a work of art. Movement can be directed along lines, edges, shapes and color. RHYTHM is created when one or more elements are used repeatedly to create a […]
In the not controllers of social security benefits
In the not controllers of social benefits. Work between law and equity A book by Anne-Lise Ulmann (L’harmattan, coll. “Share and learn “, 2010) The work of Anne-Lise Ulmann In the not controllers of social benefits is in line with the works of Alexis Spire1, Yasmine Siblot2 and Nicolas Duvoux 3 which are intended to […]
the Resources of the Observatory of student life
Do homework
To do its homework. Issues cognitive and social practice ordinary. A book, published under the direction of Patrick Rayou (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Coll ” Paideia “, 2010) The ” work out class “1, designed as a time that takes the result of the work of learning done in the classroom, is regularly the subject […]
responsible Consumption, and generosity or storeroom to lower the costs, the sites of scraps
The observation in the last few weeks of the sites of the gifts that are Recupe.net and Donnons.org leads me to several thoughts. He is not here to propose an analysis which is meant to be comprehensive, but suggest the beginning of a reflection that an empirical investigation needs to complete. Recupe.net and Donnons.org are […]
The social issues of the steam room
For a change of theme, here’s an article on the steam bath. I offer a few excerpts from the article, to give you the taste of his reading. “The social issues of the body. The hammam maghrebi (Nineteenth-Twentieth century), a place to stay, threatened or recreated ” , Omar Carlier, History, 2000 “The place of […]