What are two styles of hip hop? Hip-hop dance is a vibrant form of dance that combines a variety of freestyle movements to create a cultural piece of art. Through its three main styles of popping, locking, and breaking, hip-hop dance has evolved into one of the most popular and influential styles of dance. What […]
International Congress What Do they say the Social Sciences on the crisis?
*Updated Dossier of Congress Bilbao, 14-15 July 2014 OPEN THE DEADLINE FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNICATION PROPOSALS KOMUNIKAZIO-PROPOSAMENAK JASOTZEKO EPEA IREKI DA CALL FOR PRESENTATION PROPOSALS . Without doubt the social sciences have analytical tools to offer to those that believe, like us, that social scientists should make the crisis a priority in their interventions. […]
do With the social networks they talk less in person?
Everyone has experienced the situation of talking with someone who does not pay attention to you because it is pending of your smartphone or your laptop. This is a practice that is increasingly more common in humans, particularly in young people. In our fourth post, the specialists of the round-table discussion on How to affect […]
Continuum of social, a hypothesis of the hunter and the “monkey killer”
Before it became the naturalism to the mid-NINETEENTH century, especially before Darwin and Freud to formulate their grand theories, the social character of the human is seen as a barrier between us and the rest of living beings. In contrast, the theory of the “continuum social” or “continuous social” tries to demonstrate the reality that […]
Conversations of Isabel Escudero with Antonio Escohotado
“Conversations of Elizabeth Squire” was a Television program from the UNED, which was transmitted in the program The Adventure of Knowledge in The 2, in the years 1996 and 1997. In this entry we recovered, just as we did with the Debate “Knowledge and society”, a conversation with Antonio Escohotado (Philosopher and professor of Sociology […]
Growing up with hunger. Child poverty
When we talk about child poverty we are almost always in the countries of the Third World, but this tragedy remains invisible in advanced societies. Grow hungry is a short documentary of Francis Fernandez and Karlos Santiuste which shows the situation that suffer every time more children in san jose and throughout the state. Are […]
Crisis, neoliberalism, and social policy
A report, based on updated data collected by the Social Barometer, analyses the main impacts of the economic crisis, placing emphasis on the re-directions of public expenditures. By BSE1 of Colectivo Ioé the February 21, 2013 Social barometer of Spain Main conclusions: ● In the last decades records an adverse distribution of income among classes […]
Crisis and cuts: impact on education system
The last three years recorded a reduction of the resources allocated to public education (total expenditure, per student, and the worsening of the ratio teachers/pupils). although it still maintains the rate of people perceptoras of scholarships. The school results were registering a positive evolution between 2007 and 2010 that can deteriorate due to the growing […]
Four models of education. Here’s how they work
The No. 323 of XLSemanal published an interesting article on the duties they have to perform the students in the various educational systems known worldwide. It seems to Me useful to reproduce here the description of the four models of education ‘ in this article: Four models of education And work: The continental model The […]
What is thinking at the margin in economics?
What is thinking at the margin in economics? • thinking at the margin: the process of. deciding how much more or less to do. • cost/benefit analysis: a decision-making. process in which you compare what you. will sacrifice and gain by a specific action. What is thinking on the margin quizlet? Thinking- at- the- margin […]