Families and Europe

Families and Europe. A number of the review “Family Research” (n° 5, 2008)

This delivery of the annual review of Family Research does not disappoint. Very problematized, offering perspectives on the theme of Family and Europe, the contributions make the point on the links of many more that are built between families and the european authorities. The introduction of Gilles Séraphin offers lines of reading all of the review meshed by a problem that is sustained, offers cross-cutting issues. Can we talk about model european family ? A perception of a convergence of european families to a single model ? As he recalls, Europe and the european institutions are a real issue for all the families living in this geographical area. Europe represents a space that allows you to perform comparisons and to look for new forms of development of public policies in family or family-like setting, the comparison with other european countries is still rich in teachings, it highlights convergences and divergences. Not only the scope given to this field is extremely variable depending on the country, or even periods, but some countries do not have policy coded as ” family “. Some countries, such as France, have apparently family-friendly policies explicit, with a minimum of coherence and identity, institutional (conferences, awards, departmental, etc.); others may have comparable actions in favour of families, but without that they appear as family-friendly policies.

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