Ultimate Warwick Freshers’ Bucket List

Greetings freshers of 2018! Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for: The Ultimate Warwick Freshers’ Bucket List! How quickly can you tick all of these off?…

1. Do something you never thought you’d do before

The best way to kick off your university experience is to do something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. This could be anything. If you’re shy, consider entering a competition with the Debating Society. Are you renowned back home for your distinct lack of athleticism? Join Warwick Barbell and learn to lift heavy weights! Do something that makes your mum go, “Really?!”

 2. Attend all week one lectures

Attending all of your lectures in the first week is the best way to familiarise yourself with your course. It’s easier to figure out in week one than week five that you’re not exactly sure how to find room S0.13, or the optional module that had an exhilarating description in your module handbook isn’t quite what you were expecting. Figure out the basics now.

 3. Enjoy a purple and burger

What exactly is a pint of purple? It’s a wonderful mixture of cider, lager and blackcurrant cordial. Your friends at home might call it a “snakebite”. They’re wrong. Purples are most often consumed in copious amounts during circling but it’s also a delicious accompaniment to your dinnertime burger at The Dirty Duck.

 4. Ask a question

“Any questions?” Most often met with silence, this question during a seminar or lecture can fill even the most confident of us with anxiety. What if my question is stupid? What if everyone but me knows the answer? What if I lose control of my body and start screaming profanities at my whole seminar group? Let me assure you with the following: there’s no such thing as a stupid question; if you don’t know the answer chances are someone else in the room doesn’t either; and, there’s very little chance of the extreme hypothetical scenarios that pop into your head actually happening. Indulge your curiosity and ask that burning question.

 5. Send yourself to Coventry

Round up your new buddies, pop them on the 12X bus and take a trip to the city! Coventry might get a scoff from Leamington dwellers, but as the UK City of Culture 2021 it’s definitely worth a trip. Buy some cheap fruit at the market, stroll around the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum and check out the Cathedral too.

6. Visit the library at midnight

A 24-hour library might not mean much to you now, but when exam season hits you’ll be counting your lucky stars that the library is there for a late-night exam cram. Trust me, I’ve been here long enough to remember the days when you had to walk all the way to University House for a 3am study session! There’s absolutely no reason to be considering an all-nighter so early in your academic career, but why not go and check out some books at midnight? Just because you can.

 7. Order an after-hours pizza

Almost as good as a 24-hour library is a 24-hour Domino’s delivery service. It’s absolutely mandatory to order pizza at an absurd time in the morning at least once during your Warwick years. Perhaps after your midnight trip to the library?

8. Make a study plan. Stick to it!

What’s with those those students who seem to do everything? How is it possible to sit on the exec of more than one society, volunteer at the weekends, compete in a sports team, party at POP every Wednesday and still attend all contact hours and come out with a 2:1 at the end of the year?! Don’t worry, we all know one of these students. Whilst I can’t promise you’ll ever be as time-efficient as them, I can guarantee that taking some time to make a study plan in week one (and sticking to it!) will help massively. Don’t worry, this doesn’t have to take hours. A study schedule can be as simple time-blocking your day in an online calendar. Read this post for more ideas.

9. Take a selfie with The Koan

A true campus legend. Track down The Koan and take a selfie with it. Tag us on Twitter with the hashtag #studyblog when you’ve found it!

10. Bookmark The Study Blog

The Study Blog is packed with advice and tips from Library experts and our enthusiastic team of student bloggers. With posts on everything from exam tips to finding the cosiest study spots on campus, The Study Blog is a hub of information to help you get started on the right foot. Interested in writing for us? We’ll be recruiting a new team of Study Blog writers very soon!

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