What are the structures that are exchanged during mating in an earthworm?

What are the structures that are exchanged during mating in an earthworm?

iv) Sperm and prostatic fluid of the earthworm are exchanged and the spermathecal pore stores the spermathecae. v) The earthworms remain attached for an hour and the sperm and egg are passed into cocoon which gets secreted by the clitellar gland present in the 14th to the 16th segment of the earthworm.

Do earthworms have a front and back end explain?

Do earthworms have a front and back end? Yes. They have a mouth and brain at one end and an anus at the opposite end.

What distinguishes the earthworm from other worms?

Earthworms and other segmented worms have bodies made of many sections Page 2 called segments. Annelids also have a digestive system that has two openings. They also have a closed circulatory system. Segmented worms have several body organs and systems.

Do earthworms have a true Coelom?

These animals belong to the phylum Annelida. Members of this phylum may be most familiar: the common earthworm, leech and nightcrawler belong to this group. Annelids have a true coelom, a condition called coelomate. That is the body cavity is lined on the inside and outside by mesoderm derived tissue.

Which worm has no body cavity?


What type of consumers are earthworms?

This level is made up of herbivores: bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, nematodes, mites, snails, slugs, earthworms, millipedes, sowbugs and worms.

What is the type of body cavity of earthworms?

Coelom is the cavity inside mesoderm. Schizocoelom is the body cavity formed by the splitting of mesoderm. Annelids like earthworms have this type coelom.

What are the two sets of muscles in earthworms?

There are two sets of muscles in each segment: a ring of circular muscles that can constrict or narrow the segment, and longitudinal muscles that can shorten the body. Using these stretching and contracting muscles, they push themselves forward.

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