What do you call your diary?

What do you call your diary?

You can try any of the following choices: Dear diary. Dear me. Dear (your name)

How do you address a diary entry?

Open with “Dear Diary” if you want to. This is a completely personal choice, so go with what works best and feels right for you. At first, addressing the “Diary” can feel almost like reaching out to a friend rather than simply writing or talking to yourself. You may find this helpful if you’re new to journaling.

How do you write a Dear Diary?

Your diary entries should be shorter narratives, and here are 8 tips to consider when writing entries:

  1. Brainstorm what you’re going to write about.
  2. Ask yourself questions.
  3. Write down your answers.
  4. Pick a format.
  5. Make them different.
  6. Don’t be hard on yourself while you’re writing.
  7. Keep your thoughts in order.

What is dear diary?

Dear Diary…: an expression written at the beginning of a diary or journal entry.

How do you make a personal diary interesting?

You might want to add a photo of something you saw that day, which may be accompanied by a story…or, it might not. Try cartooning a diary entry. Particularly if you’ve never drawn before, this can be a fun thing to try to make your diary interesting. Write a daily entry in haiku, or another kind of poem for variety.

What is the best name for personal diary?

synonyms for diary

  • agenda.
  • daybook.
  • minutes.
  • record.
  • chronicle.
  • appointment book.
  • daily record.
  • engagement book.

What is the example of diary?

In the 20th century, the diary of explorer Robert F. Scott (1910–12), the Journal of Katherine Mansfield (1927), the two-volume Journal of André Gide (1939, 1954), Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl (1947), and the five-volume Diary of Virginia Woolf (1977–84) are among the most notable examples.

Which tense is used in diary entry?

past tense

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