What does the Victrola symbolize in The Glass Menagerie?

What does the Victrola symbolize in The Glass Menagerie?

So, while the music of the victrola and its old memories protects Laura from the real world, it furthers Laura’s illusions and emotional fears. Like the unicorn and the other glass animals of the menagerie, the victrola symbolizes Laura’s fear of a reality that she can only live in briefly.

How do you quote The Glass Menagerie?

“Every time you come in yelling that God damn “Rise and Shine!” “Rise and Shine!” I say to myself, “How lucky dead people are!” “You are the only young man that I know of who ignores the fact that the future becomes the present, the present the past, and the past turns into everlasting regret if you don’t plan for it.”

Who is the most realistic character in The Glass Menagerie?


What did Laura lie to her mom about?

LAURA: I couldn’t face it. After Amanda demands an answer, Laura admits to her mother why she has lied about going to business school: Laura fears disappointing her mother. Laura’s reference to art reminds us that she has visited the museum.

Why does Jim Kiss Laura?

Why does Jim kiss Laura? He is politely telling her good by. Tom has paid him to do it. He is showing his contempt of Amanda and her silly ideas.

Why did Laura stop going to class?

Q. Why did Laura quit business college? A boy in the class was making passes at her and she got scared. She was nervous in class and became physically ill during her first speed test.

How does Amanda make extra money?

Expert Answers Amanda tries (obviously without much success, considering the family’s difficult economic circumstances) to sell magazine subscriptions over the telephone to earn income. This information is included in the play through staging.

Why does Amanda blame Tom for the failure of the evening?

Why does Amanda blame Tom for the evening’s failures? Because Jim is Tom’s “best friend” at the warehouse, she thought he would know that Jim would be engaged. What do we learn about tom and Laura in the first scene? In the play, how does Amanda treat her children?

What is wrong with Laura in The Glass Menagerie?

Laura has a slight physical defect — a limp — but she has magnified this limp until it has affected her entire personality. Laura’s oversensitive nature makes her think that everyone notices her limp; it becomes for her a huge stumbling block to normal living. She cannot get over it and into the real world.

What is the message in The Glass Menagerie?

The main themes in The Glass Menagerie are memory and nostalgia, filial piety and duty, and gender roles. Memory and nostalgia: The Glass Menagerie takes place in Tom’s memory. Tom, Laura, Amanda, and Jim each feel the pull of both painful memories and nostalgia.

Is Amanda a good mother in The Glass Menagerie?

Amanda also looks into the future, making what she calls “plans and provisions,” single-mindedly for her children. In fact, as annoying as all the nagging about keeping one’s elbows off the table is, Amanda is actually a very loving mother. In fact, she spends a lot of her stage directions just looking at his portrait.

Why does Amanda want Laura to get married so much?

If Laura marries, Laura will be provided for, and Amanda gains some comfort from knowing that she has two people who can care for her in her old age. Therefore, to Amanda, Laura’s marriage is a solution to the family’s problems.

Who does Amanda beg Tom not to be like?

To outsiders who do not love her as family, Tom insists, Laura must seem peculiar. Amanda begs him not to use words like “crippled” and “peculiar” and asserts that Laura is strange in a good way. Tom gets up to leave.

What did Amanda wish for?

Rapunzel was a mythological figure, who was absolutely carefree, leading a calm and quiet life in tower, Amanda wishes to lead a carefree, calm and quiet life like Rapunzel. Question 23. What does the girl yearn for?

What did Amanda wish?

Amanda wishes to be a mermaid so she could drift alone by blissfully languid, emerald sea. She yearns to be an orphan so that she is able to roam the sea and make pattern using her bare feet.

Why does Amanda want Rapunzel?

Amanda wants to be a Rapunzel because wants to enjoy the freedom that Rapunzel enjoyed in calmness inside the tower. She also says that she would never let her bright her down to help somebody get in the tower and dominate her.

Would you call Amanda a disrespectful child?

Answer: Amanda was not listening to the advisor , she was in her own imagination, hence she is regarded as a disrespectful child. Disrespectful behavior often comes down to kids having poor problem-solving skills and a lack of knowledge about how to be more respectful as they pull away.

How does Amanda feel?

Answer. She feels irritated and is seeking for peace and tranquility. In the poem she was said to be moody and sulky in nature which is not true, it’s just that she dont like the constantly nagging business of her parents. Hence is is seeking for freedom and is thinking about being a mermaid and orphan child…

What kind of girl is Amanda?

moody girl

What will Amanda not do if she is Rapunzel?

She will not let her hair down. She feels that in that tall tower, she would do everything she wants to without anyone nagging her. She also says that she wouldn’t let her hair down unlike Rapunzel. By this, she means to say that she wouldn’t let anyone come inside the tower because she longs to live alone and freely.

Why should Amanda not eat chocolate?

Because chocolates create infections in the teeth of a human being which makes them feel pain and release a bad smell. Amanda was asked not to eat chocolate as she had acne before.

What made Amanda sulk and become Modi?

Ans. Amanda sulks and becomes moody when her mother gives her too many instructions. She does not want to follow them but she can’t dare to ignore them either, so she sulks.

What Amanda shouldnt eat?

ANSWER: The lines “Don’t eat that chocolate Amanda!” is taken from the poem ‘Amanda’. Here Amanda is asked not to eat chocolates by her mother. Whenever Amanda eats chocolates, she gets acne and her mother is very particular about that and asks her not to eat chocolates.

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers?

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers? Ans. She should not hunch her soldiers.

What was Maddie’s full name?


What was Wanda’s full name?

Elezabeth olsen

Was tricky happy on seeing Mrs Pumphrey?

Yes, Tricki was very happy to go home. It jumped out of the narrator’s arms and leaped into Mrs Pumphrey’s lap as soon as it saw her. It licked her and barked. After this, if Mrs Pumphrey takes good care of the dog and does not feed it a lot, it will be as healthy as it is at the end of the story.

Who was tricky?

Tricky (musician)

Birth name Adrian Nicholas Matthews Thaws
Also known as Tricky Kid Tricky Rock
Born 27 January 1968 Bristol, England
Genres Trip hop electronic experimental hip hop

What did Mr Pumphrey bring at first?

Answer. Answer: Mrs Pumphrey gave her malt, cod-liver oil and bowl of Horlicks. Still, Tricki had no energy.

Who was Mrs Pumphrey worried about?


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