What is realm list?

What is realm list?

RealmList is used to model one-to-many relationships in a RealmObject . RealmList has two modes: A managed and unmanaged mode. In managed mode all objects are persisted inside a Realm, in unmanaged mode it works as a normal ArrayList. Only Realm can create managed RealmLists.

How many WoW realms are there?

Many players think of “World of Warcraft” servers in terms of world servers, or realms. These are essentially complete, self-contained copies of the game world named after people and places in Warcraft lore. There are about 200 realms in North America and other realms in different parts of the world.

What are the realms in World of Warcraft?

The three World of Warcraft realm types are: Modern Realm, Classic Era Realm, and Progression Realm.

How do I know what realm I’m on?

There are a few ways to confirm this: Check the status of your World of Warcraft realm on the Realm Status page. Check the community forum for your realm to see if other players are seeing the same issue. You can find the full realm list under the Realms section at the bottom of the World of Warcraft Forum homepage.

How do you see what WoW server you’re on?

Go to the screen where you select a realm, and each one with a character on it appears at the top of the list with the number of characters on that realm.

Does my WoW character still exist?

No, they don’t delete inactive characters. The character you’re posting from is on Ravencrest. Have you logged completely into the character selection for that realm? They won’t show on the realm selection screen after being gone for so long.

Do WoW characters get deleted?

Yes, within 120 days of deletion. After the above retention periods, deleted characters are purged from the database and will no longer be visible on the character restoration list.

How do I check my WoW characters?

You can use the Wowhead Profiler to view information about your character’s equipment and stats, locate lost pets or mounts, and view your quest and achievement history. Enter your realm and character name to load your character in the Profiler.

What races are in WoW?

What playable races are there? In World of Warcraft, there are two factions: the Alliance and the Horde. Each faction currently has 11 race options to them. The races for the Alliance are the dwarves, gnomes, humans, night elves, draenei, worgen, lightforged draenei, void elf, Dark Iron Dwarf, Kul Tiran and pandaren.

Why can I find my character on WoW armory?

You May Have Left the Game for Too Long Enter the game with whichever character that wasn’t showing. Ensure that you stay logged in the game for at least 10-15 minutes. Properly log out, and then exit the game. Check the Armory as the data should now be refreshed inside the database.

Why are WoW characters gone?

If you’ve returned to World of Warcraft after a long absence, you may need to refresh your character stats. To do so: Select the realm your characters were on, on the character select screen. Create a new character on that realm to refresh your character list.

Does WoW delete inactive accounts?

Each battle.net account can have up to 8 WoW licenses attached. No, they don’t delete inactive characters. Keep in mind, the website may not list characters that haven’t been logged into for awhile so be sure you are checking the correct realm in the World of Warcraft client.

How do I get my old characters back in WoW?

If you’ve returned to World of Warcraft after a long absence, you may need to refresh your character stats….To do so:

  1. Select the realm your characters were on, on the character select screen.
  2. Create a new character on that realm to refresh your character list.
  3. Exit the game and delete your Battle.net Cache folder.

How do I restore my WoW character?

You can restore a deleted character from your character selection screen:

  1. Click on the character selection screen.
  2. Select your deleted character and click .

How do I permanently delete WoW?


  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click the game icon and select Uninstall.
  4. If the game is not listed under Add/Remove Programs, manually uninstall the game by deleting the folder in the directory where the game was installed.

How long until a WoW account is deleted?

Players cannot undelete characters under level 10 or Death Knights at level 55. Characters between level 10 and level 29 are gone for good after 90 days, while characters between levels 30 and 49 disappear after 120 days.

How many characters can I have in WoW?

50 characters

What is the Shadowlands level cap?

level 60

How long can WoW names be?

between 2-24 characters

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