What is the falling action of Spider Man Homecoming?
Climax/ Falling actions Siderman gets into a fight with him trying to stop him from stealing a plane full of alien technology. In the fight, Peter is beaten down realizes that the Vulture is trying to take the same bomb that blew up the Washington Monument.
What type of poem is homecoming?
“Homecoming” is a 1968 poem by Bruce Dawe. Written as an elegy for anonymous soldiers, “Homecoming” is an anti-war poem protesting Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War during the 1960s.
What is the plot of homecoming?
Based on the Gimlet podcast of the same name, Homecoming found the actress playing Heidi Bergman, a therapist helping soldiers transition back to their civilian life by administering a PTSD treatment plan for a mysterious government contractor called the Homecoming Transitional Support Center, whose parent company, the …
Why was Phatik rude to the stranger?
His aunt did not like his arrival and would insult him, mock him and make him feel he was a burden on Bishamber’s family. Explanation : Phatik was aggrieved and felt insulted to be a guest nobody wanted in the house. His aunt insulted him and ignored him all the time.
Who was Makhan?
Makhan Shah Lubana (also written as Lobana) (born July 7, 1619) was a devout Sikh and a rich trader who discovered the ninth Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Tegh Bahadar in Bakala, India in around 1665.
Why did Phatik leave Uncle house?
Phatik decided to leave his uncle’s house without informing anyone because he thought he was going to have malarial fever and would become a nuisance for his aunt.
How was Phatik treated by his aunt?
Answer Expert Verified Phatik was very badly treated by his aunt. Phatik was scolded by his aunt, she asked him how will she be able to afford him five new books every month along with her family. Phatik’s aunt did not like him at all.
How did Phatik feel when he arrived at his uncles house?
Phatik becomes so miserable that he doesn’t wait. He runs away and attempts to find his own way home. He is brought back to his uncle’s house very sick and feverish. His uncle sends for his mother, and when she arrives, she begins to weep over Phatik.
Why did Phatik want to go back to his home immediately?
Answer: Because he was missing his mother, brother, his friends, his village were he used to fly kites all day long.
Who is responsible for Phatik’s death?
3. Who is responsible for Phatik’s death? Ans. His mother, his uncle and his aunt are responsible for Phatik’s death.
Who did Phatik confess to when he lost his lesson book?
He went to his aunt at last and told her that he had lost his book. His aunt pursed her lips in contempt and said: “You great clumsy, country lout! How can I afford, with all my family, to buy you new books five times a month?” That night, on his way back from school, Phatik had a bad headache with a fit of shivering.
What did Phatik think about his aunt why did his aunt behave the way she did?
His aunt was not all happy to see him. For her, Phatik was an unnecessary addition of her family because she had already three children who were quite unmanageable. To bring a village boy of 14 was very much upsetting to her. So Phatik was unwelcome to his aunt…
Who was the GREY haired stranger?
The ‘grey-haired stranger’ was Phatik’s maternal uncle Bishamber from Calcutta.