What two main religions emerged out of the split in the church?

What two main religions emerged out of the split in the church?

On July 16, 1054, Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius was excommunicated, starting the “Great Schism” that created the two largest denominations in Christianity—the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox faiths.

What were Justinian’s goals?

Justinian’s military goals were to revive the empire’s greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the classical Roman Empire. He had partial success reconquering Italy, parts of North Africa and Spain.

Why do you think the Justinian Code last so long?

Justinian Code lasted so long because it created a uniform code that formed the basis not just for the laws governing Byzantine society but also modern society. It was as comprehensive in knowledge as it was extensive in scope.

Why do you think Justinian was a good leader?

In my opinion, Justinian was a great leader for the following reasons: He was able to expand his territories and increase the fame of the Byzantine empire, even seizing Rome which had been taken over the Ostrogoths. In fact, he ruled over as many territories as the ancient Caesars had.

How long did the Justinian Code last?

The body of laws created by Justinian and his experts, in one form or another, lasted for almost a millennium until the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 CE.

Is it correct to characterize Justinian as a new Caesar Why or why not?

I do agree that Justinian was a new Caesar, he did a lot of good for the Byzantine Empire, he created the Justinian Code and built the Hagia Sophia. Why do you think Justinian decided the time had come to reform Roman law?

What main demands did the Mongols age on their Russian subjects?

310 Chapter 11 The Mongols demanded just two things from Russians: absolute obedience and massive amounts of tribute, or payments.

What two main demands did the Mongols place on their Russian subjects?

What caused Kiev’s decline?

What caused Kiev’s decline? The Kiev’s decline was because of Yaroslav the Wise’s death, decrease in trade, and governement corruption. Yaroslav the Wise died and government officials competed for power, similar to the decline of the Roman Empire.

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