Which of the following therapies is based on the assumption that psychological disorders are symptoms of underlying physical problems?

Which of the following therapies is based on the assumption that psychological disorders are symptoms of underlying physical problems?

Psychodynamic therapy is based on the assumption that you are having emotional problems because of unresolved, generally unconscious conflicts, often stemming from childhood. The goal of this type of therapy is for you to understand and better manage these feelings by talking about the experiences.

Which of the following is a basic assumption of humanistic therapies?

Some fundamental assumptions of humanistic psychology include: Experiencing (thinking, sensing, perceiving, feeling, remembering, and so on) is central. The subjective experience of the individual is the primary indicator of behavior. An accurate understanding of human behavior cannot be achieved by studying animals.

Which perspective views abnormal behavior as the result of unresolved unconscious conflicts?

Psychodynamic Perspective | Abnormal Psychology.

Is the general term for brain surgery performed to treat psychological disorders?

Psychosurgery is a type of surgical ablation or disconnection of brain tissue with the intent to alter affective or cognitive states caused by mental illness. Psychosurgery was first introduced as a treatment for severe mental illness by Egas Moniz in 1936.

What types of treatments are available for psychological disorders?

Some of the most commonly used classes of prescription psychiatric medications include:

  • Antidepressants. Antidepressants are used to treat depression, anxiety and sometimes other conditions.
  • Anti-anxiety medications.
  • Mood-stabilizing medications.
  • Antipsychotic medications.

What is the most common biological treatment used to treat psychological disorders?

One of the reasons lobotomy fell out of favor was the development in the 1950s and 1960s of new medications for the treatment of psychological disorders; these are now the most widely used forms of biological treatment.

What are the three major biological treatments for psychological disorders?

Biological therapies include four classes of psychiatric medications: antipsychotics, antidepressants, anti-cycling agents, and hypnoanxiolytics.

What disorder is rTMS used to treat today?

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) uses a magnet to activate the brain. First developed in 1985, rTMS has been studied as a treatment for depression, psychosis, anxiety, and other disorders.

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