Employment and work. The large gap

Employment and work. The large gap. A book of Françoise Piotet (Armand Colin, 2007, 261 p.) The work of Françoise Piotet is established on the distinction between the two notions, non-synonymous, those of work and employment. The thread of the book is to analyze the way in which the two realities covered by these terms […]

brownfield sites. A world european cultural mutation

Industrial wasteland. A world european cultural mutation. A book of Fabrice Raffin (L’harmattan, coll. “Logiques sociales “, 2007, 306 p., 27,50€) What is there in common between Generik Steam installed in Marseille in the municipal slaughterhouses, the Tacheles and Ufa-Fabirk in Berlin, the Factory in Geneva and the Confort Moderne in Poitiers ? In these […]

The network thinking. To understand the digital society

The network thinking. To understand the digital society. A book, published under the direction of Pascal Lardellier and Philippe Ricaud (Editions universitaires de Dijon, coll. “Companies “, 2007, 192 p.) This work directed by Pascal Lardellier and Philippe Ricaud brings together the analyses of specialists in the sciences of information and communication. These contributions, all […]

the Peasants of Brazil

Peasants of Brazil. Between commercial exchange and reciprocity. A book by Eric Sabourin (Editions Quae, coll. “Disciplinary “, 2007, 30€) Raymond Boudon and François Bourricaud, in their critical Dictionary of sociology1 in the article ” Socialization “, recall that the studies on the diffusion of innovations in the agricultural environment demonstrate generally if the farmers […]

Sociology and history

Sociology and history : work in progress. A number of the review “synopses in the human sciences” (n°14, 2008) The review synopses of social sciences and humanities devotes his record number 14 to the relations between sociology and history. Inaugurated at the turn of the Twentieth century, and which is continually renewed since that time, […]

The same-sex parenting to the male

The same-sex parenting to the male. The desire to have a child against the social order. A book by Emmanuel Gratton (Puf/The World, al. “Sharing of knowledge “, 2008) The work of Emmanuel Gratton, rewarded by the Prize The World of academic research, is the result of his phd thesis defended in January 2006 under […]

Families and Europe

Families and Europe. A number of the review “Family Research” (n° 5, 2008) This delivery of the annual review of Family Research does not disappoint. Very problematized, offering perspectives on the theme of Family and Europe, the contributions make the point on the links of many more that are built between families and the european […]

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