The 10 stages of working towards a deadline

Well, folks, it’s that time of year again, that horrendous, tedious, threatening, scary, stressful time. We shall call it – deadline season…By Thomas Stewart Yes, you’re working towards your deadlines, you’re banging on that laptop, sending e-mails, reading the same lines over and over again just to meet that deadline and within this time there […]

Here’s how not to do your dissertation

Retrospect can be great for self-improvement but for me it is only an unkind reminder of all the things I did wrong whilst writing my dissertation. So someone may as well benefit from my mistakes and that someone may as well be you…By Nuala Clarke Here’s how not to do your dissertation: Don’t just do […]

Library life: My week as a med student

I’m a postgraduate medical student, which makes my normal week probably a bit different to the average student on campus. Here’s what I get up to… By Charles Hand Day 1 Today began mercilessly with 8am lectures that went on till 5pm, as if it isn’t already hard enough to crawl out of bed on […]

Library Life: My week as an Arts student

“Miaow! Lillie Almond, studying a Writing MA.” “Sorry, what was that?” This is the usual start of any conversation in which I introduce my current university course. Allow me to explain… By Lillie Almond   Day 1 I realise it’s a Monday and that this means the start of the week… for most people. My […]

Have you met Bob?

There’s a relatively new addition to the Library family, and he’s one you probably will want to get to know… By Richard Perkins Why Bob? It stands for Box of Broadcasts, a service to which the University recently subscribed. What does it do? Since roughly 2008, the people at the BUFVC have been recording all […]

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