The best ways to superfuel your study

The eternal question: what to eat while studying? It’s not as easy as it sounds. From spilling tea all over your laptop to stirring the volcanic anger of the girl opposite with your super-crunchy apple, eating while studying – and fuelling your brain at the same time – is a minefield…By Charlotte Salter. In the […]

3 Tips for Dealing with your Dissertation

Dissertations: the mere thought of all those words is enough to give you a headache – following these tips will last longer than the Paracetamol…by Nuala Clarke. Dissertations are not nice things. They take up all your time, give your fingers cramp (can fingers even get cramps!?) and turn your brain to scrambled eggs. Sure, […]

Doing your course from your bed…

Worried that your inability to get out of bed is hindering your work?  I am living proof that you can do your course from bed. Let me put your fears to rest…  by Nuala Clarke I should start by saying that I am a very, very lazy person. I could probably win awards for my laziness […]

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