To purpose of the recent Wave feminist, and the discourse on the male left, and after talking with several people, I came to the following hypothesis: The traditional discourse of the left on morality is a discourse of transgression. Face the moral conservative and traditionalist, what was seen was appropriate to denigrate and break the […]
Touraine over the movement of women. Reading notes
Nous n allons pas enter dans une société des femmes, nous and sommes déjà. Le plus remarquable dans cette conversion nécessaire des hommes est qu ils sont amenés à rompre avec leur habitude de penser couple couples d’opposition, pour adopter la manière de penser des femmes par combinaison de termes apparemment opposés -ce qui conduit […]
Three Investigations on the relevance of intellectual Sociology
To all this I just realized that I had not uploaded the doctoral thesis work of so many years, finally, to this poor site. Matter that we will resolve immediately then. Here is the link to the official repository of the University of Chile. And here’s the summary: In the present thesis presents the results […]
An observation about the transformations in the intellectual debate in Chile (1990s-2010s)
About 20 years ago he published two texts that marked the public debate in Chile at the time: The Anatomy of a Myth of Moulian and the Human Development Report of 1998. These texts, and the answers they produced, operated on the same level: The debate about the diagnosis of society. Debate. in turn, reduced […]
Universalism and particularism in classical Chinese philosophy.
Read a couple of books does not make one an expert on anything, but somewhere there is that from. And the debate in chinese philosophy between the mozistas and the confucianists (in particular Mencius) purpose of the universal and the particular in moral can shed light on contemporary discussion. In the end, does not cease […]
Annotations on The Rules of Durkheim (II). Consider social facts as things
Chapter 2 of The Rules (the rules relating to the observation of social facts) begins with a famous phrase, and discussed: The first rule et la plus fondamentale est de we must consider les faits sociaux comme des choses (Cap 2. p 15) This phrase has been interpreted in multiple ways. In particular, is sometimes […]
Annotations on The Rules of Durkheim (III). The sociology prescriptive
Annotations on The Rules of Durkheim (IV). The crime as a sociological phenomenon
As we mentioned in the previous entry, chapter 3 of The Rules includes an analysis of the crime. What you want to do Durhkeim, following a strategy very similar to that of Suicide, is to show the power of the sociological analysis, and in this case your definition of normality, looking for a phenomenon where […]
Cicero and the utility of the human beings for human beings. Reading notes
Worship and purity of character will win the favour of the gods; and next to the gods, and a close second to them, men can be most helpful to men Cicero, De Officiis, II, 11. In the edition Loeb that I have. Videos placatos pietas efficiet et sanctitas, proxime autem et secundum deos men hominibus […]
Annotations on The Rules of Durkheim (V). Of the classification societies
Chapter 4 is the shortest of The Rules, which is already itself a text rather brief, and Durkheim makes it clear that his interest is ancillary. The difference between the normal and the pathological, the axis of the previous chapter, it is a difference that depends on the type of society: What is normal is […]