Three Top Term 3 Tips

Term three can often be the most stressful part of the year. Despite exams and deadlines looming there’s no reason it can’t also be your most productive. Here are some key pointers to help you make the most of the final term of the year…

A big part of working productively and maximising your potential is keeping a positive mind-set, so this post is all about how to be in the best possible headspace going into term three, to make sure you do the hard work you’ve done so far justice.

Make a timetable

If you have several different exams or deadlines coming up, your list of things to do might seem like an insurmountable pile that there is no hope of getting through. Whittling it down to concrete tasks and assigning specific time-slots to them is a way of making them far more manageable. Having your days planned in advance also gives you a much clearer idea of how much time to spend on each task, and also allows you to plan fun activities as breaks from work – the best of both worlds.

Study Happy

‘Study’ and ‘happy’ might not be two words you would instantly connect together, but they certainly can be. The library is running a variety of events designed to focus on students’ wellbeing and enhance their Warwick experience, ranging from mindfulness sessions to creative chillouts (Read more about these here!). And if none of those take your fancy, use them as inspiration to formulate your own. Dedicate time to things outside of studying – go for a walk, have a movie night with friends. Anything to put you in a good mood when you return to the books is a valuable investment of your time.

Three Top Term 3 Tips

Healthy body, healthy mind

Another easy way to keep your headspace fresh and positive is to treat your body with just as much care. Keep your sleeping patterns under control – it might seem like a good idea to power through an all-nighter to get more done, but exam season is a marathon not a sprint. Getting enough sleep, eating and drinking regularly, and exercising(even if it’s just getting a walk in the fresh air around campus) is just as, if not more, important as blitzing through that essential reading list. Starting these habits now makes it all the more likely that they will stay with you throughout the term.

Three Top Term 3 Tips

All in all, make sure that your body and mind are given just as much consideration as your books. You can’t do yourself justice in the exam hall if you’re not at your best, and no marks are more important than your mood or health.

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