Last-minute Library

Left it to the last minute? Here’s the Library guide to overcoming 3 classic crises…By Karina Beck So you’ve done it again, that assignment deadline or exam date has snuck up, and you’ve got no choice but to make a dash for the finish line. I could write a whole spiel on planning ahead, but […]

Nowhere to hide: Mastering your spoken exam

It’s bad enough when you don’t have the answers, but so much worse when your examiner is sitting right opposite you. These tips will get you through…By Karina Beck. I’ve survived several face-to-face exams at Warwick, including a 2 hour grilling on pre-WW2 literature, and a language exam that went down in history as I […]

Happy April Fools’ Day!

Sorry folks, it was in fact an April Fools joke. No therapy penguins to pet, but there’ll be lots of other events occurring in Term 3 to help you #StudyHappy. Our Original Post: Therapy Penguins at the Library in Term 3 Stressed out about exams? Following the success of the therapy dogs, we’re getting in […]

Is this source scholarly enough?

How many times have you found yourself asking this question, after a frantic Google search to find something (anything!) relevant to your essay? by Kate Courage You finally find a result that looks like it might hold the key to answering the question. However, the website it is from isn’t one you recognise, and you […]

Understanding Library terminology: Part III

Lorna and Francesca team up to tackle more of those mysterious phrases that you aren’t quite sure of…By Francesca Green and Lorna Khemraz Endnote Online Endnote is one of those words which I had seen being thrown around a lot but never took the time to find out what it was all about until recently. My brain […]

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