Study Appy

Looking for ways to improve your productivity, or perhaps you are grappling with ideas about how to maintain focus? These six apps might be able to help you… Time Management   It has been said that time heals all wounds, well now you can use it to help you study. You may have heard about […]

How to Create a Study Schedule

We’re now half way through the term and deadlines are probably about to start creeping up. If you hadn’t already, It’s about the right time to develop a study schedule. Not sure where to start? Use these simple tips to help create a study schedule that will last throughout the year… Developing a study schedule […]

Your Library: Behind the scenes

Library staff are here to connect you with information, support and your community but who exactly are they? Let’s take a glimpse behind the scenes… National Libraries Week is being celebrated at the University of Warwick Library from Monday 8th October 2018. If you have visited the Library, you will have probably walked past a […]

Study Spots on Campus

While your first year at Warwick might not initially require as much study as your later years, you’ll need to knuckle down and open the textbooks sooner or later. When the time comes and the library is filled with upper years, however, there may not be a seat in sight. As such, I present to […]

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