Why you should join a society

Whether you join one or twenty, societies will probably be one of the best parts of your university experience. There’s something for everyone and who knows, by trying something new you might find a whole new passion! Here’s some reasons to join a society this academic year… Societies are central to Warwick, and a very […]

Reflections of a Graduate

Whether you’re just about to start your time at Warwick, midway through, or about to finish, you might want some (hopefully) wise words from someone who was once in your shoes. Read on for the reflections of a recent graduate…   I was told before I went to university that it would fly by and […]

Dissertation Submission Checklist

As you get closer to submitting your final master’s submission, you are likely to be going through the final submission checklist and making sure all the “I” s are dotted and the “T” s are crossed. Of course, there is always that tiny voice inside your head that is asking whether you have actually checked everything […]

Why Warwick?

“There is something for everyone at the University of Warwick” – I heard this sentence so many times in my first week at the University, but I only realised how true it  was after my first term. For prospective students, here’s a few things that make Warwick a great place to study. And for returning […]

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