As we mentioned in the previous entry, chapter 3 of The Rules includes an analysis of the crime. What you want to do Durhkeim, following a strategy very similar to that of Suicide, is to show the power of the sociological analysis, and in this case your definition of normality, looking for a phenomenon where […]
Cicero and the utility of the human beings for human beings. Reading notes
Worship and purity of character will win the favour of the gods; and next to the gods, and a close second to them, men can be most helpful to men Cicero, De Officiis, II, 11. In the edition Loeb that I have. Videos placatos pietas efficiet et sanctitas, proxime autem et secundum deos men hominibus […]
Annotations on The Rules of Durkheim (V). Of the classification societies
Chapter 4 is the shortest of The Rules, which is already itself a text rather brief, and Durkheim makes it clear that his interest is ancillary. The difference between the normal and the pathological, the axis of the previous chapter, it is a difference that depends on the type of society: What is normal is […]
Which did away with social classes ?
Between an ethnographical observation at the stade de France on Tuesday night and an editorial board of the journal Sociology on Thursday morning, I enjoyed a stay in paris to listen to the interventions together in a day of exciting studies, organized so this Wednesday, 12 October 2011, on the Jourdan Campus of ENS Ulm […]
Translating Barnes together !
As I did notice at the turn of a ticket issued here in November last year, the text is considered by many as the founding act of the social network analysis is not always translated in French. This is the article published by John A. Barnes (1918-2010) in the journal Human Relations, 1954, and entitled […]
Translating Barnes together, step 2 : the pot !
Translating Barnes together, step 3 : the Doodle !
Barnes : 77 words for the basis of the analysis of the networks
In the previous post, where I put online, in PDF format and in Word format, an article by John A. Barnes that soon we will translate whole, I indicated that a prior reading of the article, by next Friday, could have as an objective to identify the terms which recur frequently and/or which are central […]
Towards the social sciences citoyennes ? (long version)
You are browsing through it may be that these lines because you just read the ticket issued in The World, in the book “Sciences & Techno” from Saturday, February 4, 2012, and that you wanted to know a little more ? Then welcome ! The format of this “card blanche” requires the concision, and little […]